Questions & Answers
For complete information and the required form, please click here.
Requests of $10,000 or more are considered at quarterly board meetings. Requests of less than $10,000 from agencies familiar to the board may be considered more immediately on a case-by-case basis.
Usually, the Erion Foundation office will notify you of the board’s decision no more than thirty days after the end of the quarter in which you made application. For smaller grants, which the board considers more frequently, you will usually be notified as soon as a decision is made and never later than the quarterly notification cycle.
You can re-apply one year after the date you received the denial. No grant requests are considered more than once in any twelve-month period.
No. Only legacy-grant organizations receive operations funding from the Foundation: the Artworks Center for Contemporary Art, Meals on Wheels, and The Community Kitchen. The Foundation doesn’t plan to add to this list.
The board prefers to initiate any request for a presentation.
Yes. However, the board will initiate any request for a site visit and will ask one or more board members to visit a specific organization’s site.
No. If we need more information or materials, we will contact you.
We support only nonprofit organizations. We specifically do not support the following:
- private foundations
- organizations that don’t have fiscal responsibility for the proposed project
- any non-501(c)(3) organizations, with the exception of city, county, and state governments and institutions
- religious programs or organizations
- political programs or organizations
- private schools
- debt reduction or deficit reduction
- operating or survival funding for individuals or organizations
- individuals
We Are Dedicated
We require a completed grant application form. We’ve developed a simple form to save both applicant and board time. If you need more information contact us today!